
In the Zhambyl region, the construction of the reinforced concrete channel "Utemis"
October 7, 2020
In the Zhambyl region, the construction of the reinforced concrete channel "Utemis"
It will provide irrigation water to the remote villages of Abai and Birlik, which for many years experienced a water shortage.
Also, the regional branch of the RSE "Kazvodkhoz" is carrying out the reconstruction of irrigation canals and drainage systems in several districts of the region. The channels will be covered with concrete, which will significantly reduce the loss of water during transportation.
For almost 30 years, a number of villages in Zhambyl region that have not received irrigation water will be provided with irrigation
October 5, 2020
For almost 30 years, a number of villages in Zhambyl region that have not received irrigation water will be provided with irrigation
The construction of the reinforced concrete channel "Utemis" in the Bayzak district of the Zhambyl region will bring irrigation water to the most remote villages of the region. This was reported in the regional branch of the RSE "Kazvodkhoz".

The length of the canal is about 22 km, thanks to its construction, such villages as Abay and Birlik, which have not received irrigation water for about 30 years, will be provided with irrigation.

According to Kazybek Bedebaev, director of the Kazvodkhoz RSE branch, the growing season this year began in April, and even then there were difficulties with the water supply in the reservoirs.

“82% of water for irrigation of crops in Zhambyl region comes from transboundary lakes Shu, Talas and Asa. In total, the region has 229.7 thousand hectares of irrigated land. Of these, our branch serves 169.6 thousand hectares. This year, our region was allocated 550 million cubic meters of water. But due to the small amount of precipitation, we are faced with a lack of irrigation water. By the way, this is a common problem for our country and the countries of Central Asia. Therefore, so that the villagers would not be left without watering, we organized a round-the-clock watch of employees who alternately supplied water to the villages of the region. As a result, according to the regional department of agriculture, the harvest was harvested and there was enough water in the fields, ”Bedebaev said.

In addition, the regional branch of the RSE "Kazvodkhoz" organized work on the reconstruction of irrigation canals and drainage systems. If earlier irrigation water was transported from canal to canal along an earthen base, now the canals are filled with concrete. According to Kazybek Bedebaev, this will allow avoiding technical losses of water during transportation.

“We plan to complete the concrete filling of the canals in 2021. 21 billion tenge has been allocated for these measures in the region. We will cover the channels in Merke, Bayzak, Moyinkum and other regions. Thus, the number of villages provided with irrigation water will grow, ”stressed the director of the Kazvodkhoz branch in the Zhambyl region.

He also added that the branch conducts constant explanatory work among villagers on the rational use of water for irrigation of crops.
Information on the progress of the implementation of the approved investment program for water supply through canals as of October 1, 2020 (3rd quarter) of the RSE "Kazvodkhoz" of the Committee for Water Resources of the MEGiPR RK
September 30, 2020
Information on the progress of the implementation of the approved investment program for water supply through canals as of October 1, 2020 (3rd quarter) of the RSE "Kazvodkhoz" of the Committee for Water Resources of the MEGiPR RK
The Republican State Enterprise on the right of economic management "Kazvodkhoz" was developed and approved by a joint order of the Committee for Regulation of Natural Monopolies and Protection of Competition of the Ministry of National Economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated July 16, 2018 No. 177-OD and the Committee for Water Resources of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated July 18. 2018 No. 198 “On approval of the Investment program for the service of water supply through canals for the period from August 1, 2018 to July 31, 2023.

The implementation of the Investment Program made it possible to ensure the renewal of fixed assets, optimize labor costs, improve labor safety, increase the reliability of the equipment used in the provision of regulated services, and improve the quality of provided regulated services.

The purpose of the investment program is to implement a set of technical measures to maintain the facilities of the system for the regulated service in a technically sound condition, aimed at achieving the restoration and support of the fixed assets of the Branches, using the depreciation deductions approved in the tariff estimate for supplying water through the canals and attracting a loan.

The investment program for the reconstruction, modernization and technical re-equipment of the production facilities of the enterprise was approved for 1 year of the project implementation in the amount of 43,156,407.32 thousand tenge, including: own funds - 976 803.63 thousand tenge, borrowed funds - 42 179 603.68 thousand tenge.

According to the terms of the Loan Agreement, the procurement of goods, works and services is carried out in accordance with the international rules and procurement procedures of IFIs EBRD, IDB.

The approved investment program as of October 1, 2020 was executed in the amount of 5 480 286.94 thousand tenge, of which at the expense of own funds in the amount of 482 637.9 thousand tenge, at the expense of borrowed funds in the amount of 4 997 649.04 thousand tenge ... The outstanding amount was 37 676 120.39 thousand tenge.

For approved activities at their own expense:

- Reconstruction of outdoor switchgear of 110 kV substation for external power supply of pumping station No. 18 of the Kanal Satpayev Canal branch, including technical and field supervision, actual costs amounted to 27,791.2 thousand tenge.

- Reconstruction of outdoor switchgear of 110 kV substation for external power supply of pumping stations No. 20,21,22 of the K. Satpayev Canal branch located in the Karaganda region.

The event was approved in the current investment program in the amount of 636 148.14 thousand tenge, actual costs amounted to 328 184.8 thousand tenge.

- Reconstruction of irrigation networks in Aksu district of Almaty region (stage II) plan - 46,030.27 thousand tenge, actual costs amounted to 19,186.33 thousand tenge.

- Overhaul of the Kuraily Canal of the Karmakshy District Plan - 168,531.98 thousand tenge, actual costs amounted to 107,475.57 thousand tenge


On a loan from MFI IDB

- Restoration of irrigation and drainage, the approved amount under the investment program amounted to 16,240 102.69 thousand tenge, in fact, activities were carried out in the amount of 553 426.0 thousand tenge, non-performance in the amount of 15 686 676.69 thousand tenge.

The reason for the non-development of the IDB project is the late entry into force of the Loan Agreement, i.e. the loan for Ijara services (KHZ-0083) entered into force on January 3, 2018, the loan for Istisna works (KHZ-0082) entered into force on January 20, 2018 years, long-term coordination of tender documents of the IDB.

Also, one of the main reasons for low development is poor-quality design and estimate documentation for all 6 project objects, all projects require adjustment and this does not allow the contractor to carry out work in a high-quality manner and, accordingly, make timely payments. Also, the projects do not take into account the growing seasons of 4-5 months, when the contractor cannot work at full capacity and, accordingly, master the funds.


On a loan from an IFI EBRD

- Reconstruction of water management and irrigation and drainage systems in Aktobe, Zhambyl and Turkestan regions, the approved amount under the investment program amounted to 25,939,501.0 thousand tenge, in fact, measures were carried out in the amount of 4,444,223.04 thousand tenge, non-performance in the amount of 21,495,277.96 thousand tenge.

The reasons for the low development are the following:

1) Late entry into force of the loan, namely on April 20, 2018 (while the Guarantee Agreement (MF RK - EBRD) is dated May 15, 2017, and the Financial Agreements (Kazvodkhoz RSE - EBRD) are dated May 10. 2017);

2) According to the terms of the Loan Agreement, the procurement of goods, works and services is carried out in accordance with the EBRD procurement rules and procedures. Accordingly, all stages of the tender procedures take longer than initially expected. For example, the procurement of project management and design consulting services took over one year.

3) For facilities in the Aktobe region, the low quality of design estimates (DED) was noted, the customer of which was the Akimat of the Aktobe region.

4) By objects in Turkestansk and Zhambyl regions, the development of design and estimate documentation took a longer time than originally planned. The first sets of design estimates were received only at the beginning of 2019. The development of design and estimate documentation was completed at the beginning of 2020, i.e. 1 year later than originally planned. To announce a tender for construction and installation work, it is necessary to have a design and estimate documentation that has received a positive conclusion of the state examination. The tender procedures are carried out in accordance with the EBRD rules (preparation of a bill of quantities, preparation of technical specifications, translation of all tender documents into English, coordination with EBRD, etc.), which also took a longer time compared to initial expectations.


Investment program execution report
Shardara reservoir will be resistant to earthquakes of magnitude 7
September 24, 2020
Shardara reservoir will be resistant to earthquakes of magnitude 7
The Shardara reservoir in the Turkestan region, after major repairs, will be able to withstand an earthquake of magnitude 7. This was announced during a press tour for journalists by the head of the construction company Galym Myrzabaev, who is conducting repair work to increase the seismic resistance of the reservoir.
According to him, the Shardara reservoir was built
in 1967 with maximum power to withstand a magnitude 6 earthquake. RSE "Kazvodkhoz" under the Committee for Water Resources of the Ministry of Ecology, Geology and Natural Resources of the Republic of Kazakhstan has begun work on the reconstruction of the "Shardara" reservoir in order to thicken the walls erected from sand and lower the level of groundwater.
“1 million 100 thousand cubic meters of sand will be laid. This will fully reinforce the back of the object wall. Submarine tectonic plates can begin to vibrate in the event of an earthquake, in which case huge waves appear on the surface of the water. This is a precautionary measure. We are increasing the number of specially drilled holes, which reduces the level of groundwater, - explained Galym Myrzabaev.
According to the head of the production department of the Shardara reservoir of the Kapchagai reservoir, Abay Mutaliyev, in 2019 7 billion 733 million tenge was allocated from the republican budget to strengthen the walls of the reservoir. Thus, there is a gradual modernization of the reservoir, built 56 years ago. The reconstruction of the reservoir is scheduled to be completed by the end of 2021. Currently, about 33% of the planned modernization work has been completed, construction is proceeding according to plan.
Until now, the number of wells in the Shardara reservoir was 183. Now it has been increased to 600. It should be noted that the total capacity of the Shardara reservoir is 5 billion 200 million cubic meters. Currently, the reservoir contains 792 million cubic meters of water. As a result, the growing season in Shardara region and some districts of Kyzylorda region was successful. During the harvesting campaign, 7 billion cubic meters of water were supplied to Shardara district and Kyzylorda region.
In the near future, it is planned to introduce digital technologies at the Shardara reservoir. Upon completion of construction work, water distribution and accounting will be fully automated. “Electronic computers will be installed everywhere. All water leaving the dam is calculated by the computer. This is controlled by our specialists. Previously, our hydraulic engineers checked the entire dam and manually measured the water level, - said Abay Mutaliev, head of the production department of the Shardara reservoir of the Turkestan branch of the Kazvodkhoz RSE.
All structural divisions of the Ministry of Ecology took part in the #BirgeTazaQazaqstan environmental campaign in all regions of the republic
September 19, 2020
All structural divisions of the Ministry of Ecology took part in the #BirgeTazaQazaqstan environmental campaign in all regions of the republic
Вместе с местными жителями они провели уборку на своих территориях и в парках и посадили деревья. Акция прошла под эгидой международного мероприятия “World Clean Up Day” (Всемирный День Чистоты). В этом году акция одновременно проходит по всей стране по инициативе Минэкологии, с соблюдением всех санитарно-эпидемиологических требований. В субботнике активно участвовали сотрудники всех департаментов Министерства экологии, геологии и природных ресурсов РК, а также РГП "Казгидромет", “РОП”, “Казгеология”, МЦЗТ, предприятий водного и лесного хозяйства, в том числе РГП "Казводхоз",  нацпарков, департаментов экологии и тд. Также в столице Казахстана в акции приняли участие  министр МЭГПР РК Магзум Мирзагалиев, спикер Сената  Парламента РК Маулен Ашимбаев, ряд сенаторов и депутатов Мажилиса, аким г. Нур-Султан Алтай Кульгинов, общественные деятели и волонтёры. Они высадили деревья в триатлон-парке, а также организовали сбор мусора вдоль автомобильных трасс. «Сегодня вопросы экологии волнуют весь мир. Многие леса, поля, озёра и реки страдают из-за халатного отношения людей. В нашей стране немало экологических проблем. Поэтому мы все вместе должны объединиться и активно участовать в подобных акциях», - отметил спикер Сената Маулен Ашимбаев. "Это только начало большой всенародной акции, в рамках поручения Президента РК, данного в Послании народу Казахстана по высадке 2 млрд. деревьев в лесных массивах, а также еще 15 млн насаждений в населённых пунктах в течение пяти лет. Посадка деревьев продолжится по всей стране", - сказал министр экологии, геологии и природных ресурсов РК Магзум Мирзагалиев.
"World cleanup Day": Kazakhstan citizens are invited to take part in the global cleaning
September 18, 2020
"World cleanup Day": Kazakhstan citizens are invited to take part in the global cleaning
Министр экологии, геологии и природных ресурсов Казахстана Магзум Мирзагалиев пригласил казахстанцев поучаствовать в крупнейшей гражданской акции – "Всемирный день чистоты". "19 сентября по всему миру пройдет традиционная крупнейшая акция "World cleanup Day". Миллионы людей по всему миру в этот день выходят на субботник, чтобы очистить от мусора общественные, заповедные места. В прошлом году акция объединила людей из 169 стран мира. Приглашаю казахстанцев присоединиться к глобальной акции в эту субботу", - написал министр на своей странице в Twitter. "По всей стране в этот день волонтеры, активисты, общественники проведут уборку природных территорий от мусора, высадят деревья. Присоединиться и внести свой посильный вклад может каждый, очистив от бытового мусора свой двор, рядом расположенный сквер, водоем и т.д", - отметил М.Мирзагалиев. В субботу, 19 сентября, акция пройдет во всех регионах Казахстана. На местах всем участникам акции будет выдан необходимый специнвентарь. По вопросам проведения акции можно обратиться по номеру: +77017951730.
The state of hydraulic engineering structures in Northern Kazakhstan was checked by the general director of the RSE "Kazvodkhoz"
September 18, 2020
The state of hydraulic engineering structures in Northern Kazakhstan was checked by the general director of the RSE "Kazvodkhoz"
В рамках рабочего визита генеральный директор РГП «Казводхоз» Арман Касенов посетил производственный участок «Сергеевский гидроузел» в Северо-Казахстанском филиале предприятия.
И.о. директора филиала Ш.Ибатуллин подробно рассказал о работе гидротехнических сооружений филиала, а главный энергетик СКФ "Казводхоз" С. Мерешков дал разъяснения по работе двух гидрогенераторов ПУ «Сергеевского гидроузла», попутно производящих электрическую энергию, в объеме 13 млн кВт/год.
Генеральным директором отмечено удовлетворительное состояние гидротехнического сооружения.
Казахстанцы в режиме онлайн могут узнать о качестве воды во всех регионах страны
September 18, 2020
Казахстанцы в режиме онлайн могут узнать о качестве воды во всех регионах страны
В Казахстане разработана и действует интерактивная карта качества поверхностных вод. Об этом сообщил министр экологии, геологии и природных ресурсов Казахстана Магзум Мирзагалиев.
"Сегодня (18 сентября) отмечается Всемирный день мониторинга качества воды. В Казахстане такой контроль осуществляется на 143 водных объектах республики", - написал М.Мирзагалиев в Twitter в пятницу.
По словам министра, "с прошлого года действует интерактивная карта качества поверхностных вод Казахстана, где в режиме онлайн можно узнать о качестве воды во всех регионах страны".
Глава Минэкологии также призвал казахстанцев беречь один из самых ценнейших природных ресурсов – воду.

Состояние р.Урал станет ключевой темой на форуме приграничного сотрудничества Казахстана и РФ
September 18, 2020
Состояние р.Урал станет ключевой темой на форуме приграничного сотрудничества Казахстана и РФ
На предстоящем в ноябре форуме приграничного сотрудничества Казахстана и РФ в Кокшетау основной акцент будет сделан на обсуждение состояния реки Урал. Об этом сообщил министр экологии, геологии и природных ресурсов Казахстана Магзум Мирзагалиев в ходе онлайн встречи с населением Западно-Казахстанской области.
"По инициативе Главы государства основной акцент на форуме приграничного сотрудничества, который пройдет в этом году в ноябре в Кокшетау, будет сделан на вопросе состояния, проблем
реки Жайык. Мы неоднократно выезжали в РФ, эти вопросы поднимали", - сказал М.Мирзагалиев.
Присутствовавшая на встрече директор департамента трансграничных рек Минэкологии Казахстана Алия Шалабекова проинформировала также, что достигнута договоренность с российскими коллегами о проведении гидрологического обследования реки.
Планируется также в рамках указанного обследования изучить влияние гидротехнических сооружений на реку.
В ходе встречи также жители региона совместно с представителями министерства обсудили проект Дорожной карты по решению экологических проблем региона.
План содержит почти два десятка мероприятий, направленных на улучшение экологии региона. В частности, включена мера по увеличению площадей зеленых насаждений на территории государственного лесного фонда с 782 га до 1200 га до 2025 года; запрет на использование дизельного топлива пассажирским автотранспортом; внедрение на производствах области автоматизированной системы мониторинга выбросов и т.д.
Дорожная карта будет доработана с учетом предложений населения в течение двух недель.

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